
We are a business consulting agency with the primary focus to help clients with annual revenue of $1M to $5M create a 60 day plan to increase revenue over a 8 week period.

Our clients are already successful and are looking to grow and gain revenue quickly

…Our Process Looks Like This:

State the Objective– Using an interview we find the best solution and state an objective of our work together.

Assets– Review all marketing assets that the client currently has and evaluate each for inclusion for results.

Numbers– Add client numbers to the analysis to ensure we meet the objective financially.

Diagnostics– Keep track of results and provide easy to understand diagnostic to see what is working and what is not.

One Thing- find the one simple thing that will make the most results in a 8 week period.

Repeat- Once we find the best process, we use it to continue to build on success and reach additional targets and goals.

Jeff Mays is a successful business owner and entrepenuer. Having started his own business before he was 30 years old and moving into corporate management- Jeff found corporate life unrewarding. He returned to his own business in 2010 as a coach/consultant and started an insurance agency in 2012. Today he is business helping his clients and enjoying life. Jeff works with Bob Proctor, legendary personal development coach and with Frank Kern, Digital Marketing Guru.